Trusting Yourself

Apr 04, 2024

What does it mean to trust yourself? What does trust even mean? The actual definition of trust is “the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” something that stands out is how it mentions the reliance on the foundation of a person or something. If relating this to our lives, I am sure that there have been times when we may not know if something is going to work out but if someone that we have a lot of trust in provides us with the assurance that everything will be okay, we are more likely to go with it and feel at ease. 

When it comes to other people, why does it seem that it is easier to trust in something that is outside of ourselves but when it comes to making our own decisions, we feel uneasy or may question if we are going crazy? I will give you an example in my own life. 

When I finally decided it was time to look within myself and see how I became the person who was reliant on conventional medicine and who could have a month-long attitude of depression and anxiety from one single thought, what I realized was that at the core, I lacked trust in myself. On some level, I knew that I was a person of reason and that I could do things if I put my mind towards it, but on the other hand, I found this urge to constantly ask other people for the answers in my own life, as well as questioning the decisions that I wanted to make so having a full-on dialogue of fear in my mind's eye. 

So, I went on an adventure of creating a new foundation for myself, one that was based on self-trust, self-confidence and self-love. What I discovered along the way was that we are so used to being told that if we have an idea or dream that is outside of the norm of what has already been done in this reality, then we are out of our minds and should immediately throw that ideal away because it doesn’t “fit the archetype”. But if you look at all the incredible advancements in society and the people who “did the impossible”, they never got to where they are by listening to other people. They followed their inner voice and trusted themselves enough to go for it. That is where greatness lies. 

I discovered this to be true even for myself, as deciding to never falter from my dream is the very reason that I am here, writing this blog, off of all prescription medications and doing what I love. Imagine a world where we all learned to trust ourselves above any other. Where we never wavered from an ideal and where we found the strength within to ride the wave of possibilities and soar to greater heights. That is the world that I want to live in. The amazing thing is, it starts with you. You have the power to create miracles and to go against all odds. All you need to do is have a little more trust in yourself. 

So, I want to leave you here today with an activity to help cultivate this self-trust. Any time you have a calling within you to do something different or to create something that may seem out of this realm, I want you to close your eyes, go into your heart and ask yourself “How could this world be a better place if I show myself that I can do this? How can I lead by example and allow someone else to follow their dreams by making this choice?” and if you feel this sensation of awe and excitement for what the choice may lead you to, take one step into the unknown and follow this inner guidance. You never know what greatness will come from this, but isn’t it worth it to find out?

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